29 Jun 2012

Great Name Day and I'm very sensitive boi

Avast, yer mateys!

Couldn't have better last few days, sold crap unique armour for reasonable price on RMAH (to the guy who bought it, you are complete moron, I will send personal letter with thanks to your parents for creating you). Italy beat nazi Germans in Euro Cup, I managed to get Civ 5 expansion for 33% of its value ON RELEASE DATE, my bro finished his bachelor graduation paper, Offspring has released new album, I literally wept when I've heard one song and read the lyrics to it. ??? What? I'm a sensitive guy... get off me!
I'm going to share this song with ya along with the lyrics, enjoy it.
Dance, fucker, dance!
Let the motherfucker burn!

Oh, I'm still missing one thing, Apparently no one wants to nuke Poland, which make me a sad panda. Well, it is nothing I couldn't fix. I'll be right back, I have to finish my work in the basement, hope GlaDOS poured the neurotoxin to the missile already.

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